Monday, October 16, 2006


"Never underestimate the power of denial". - American Beauty

"Denial is based in lies we tell ourselves. Through these lies we distort reality as we perceive it, we redefine the meaning of what we do, and we adjust what we consider to be right and wrong, in an escalating fashion. Ultimately, any act, no matter how hideous, can be carried out once we have developed the necessary level of denial."- Blain Nelson's Abuse Page

Denial is a protective mechanism. If you aren't willing to face what you've done, it is your friend.

Denial allows you to hold onto your well constructed self image and deflect your character flaws as the unfounded imagination of others. Denial gives you the excuse you need to continue hurting the people you are supposed to love, honor and cherish. Denial blinds you to the deep wounds you've caused.

Denial can also destroy.

It destroys trust and truth. It provides a way to excuse your own behavior and opens a cavern of ill feelings from those you have wronged.

Until you are courageous enough to embrace who you are and what you've done. You can never, never change. Until you can change, the family you claim to love can't heal and can't trust you.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

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