Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Still here (just layin' low I guess)

I haven't posted here since last Christmas.  I just haven't had the desire to potentially share my private life with my ex- husband. 

However, over the weekend I got this email:

I came across your web site searching for curriculum and have had a wonderful time with all your projects. I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work. Also for all the inspiration.. I have passed on your web site to friend and they too are using your wonderful ideas. Thank you for helping me and my family grow and learn. We are currently sending Stanley's and have a great chore list going. Our 5 and 8 year old are cleaning the toilets! Yeah! Like the special plate too. We have and some of our own and just having a great time. We have adding a love ticket, movie ticket. A ticket for each lesson they have to complete that day. It is working great. Thank you.

Isn't that sweet?  It really picked up my day.  Things here are better and we've started after schooling.  I suppose my journey may be valuable to others and I'll be sharing things here occasionally again.  It was just too painful for a while ('ya know)?


Howdy said...

I have often wondered how you and the kids were doing... glad to see you poke your head in and say hi!
You certainly have a lot to offer both the quilting and homeschooling community.

Danielle said...

I'm not sure if you are checking this and I am so sorry that you have been through so much personally. I am very grateful to have found your site as I am contemplating homeschooling my triplets as well. I have found so much helpful information thanks to your sharing your experience. I am wondering though, how would you (or did you if this was true for you as well) deal with a sibling who was not at the same level as the others? I am finding it very challenging to work to meet his needs while not losing the other two as they become bored. Thanks again for sharing so much of your homeschooling experience. Very Best Wishes to you and your kids!

Ettina said...

My thoughts, from what I've heard from others, are:
Schedule time to work one on one with each child. At those times, focus on work that their siblings find too easy or hard.
Assign each kid a different task in a shared project - for example one kid could write something, the next one copy it out bigger, the third trace it over.
Give kids stuff to do independently while you focus on a sibling.

Ettina said...

My thoughts, from what I've heard from others, are:
Schedule time to work one on one with each child. At those times, focus on work that their siblings find too easy or hard.
Assign each kid a different task in a shared project - for example one kid could write something, the next one copy it out bigger, the third trace it over.
Give kids stuff to do independently while you focus on a sibling.