Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ahhhh, amour!

My girl, E, hates romance. She gets positively embarrassed whenever Cinderella kisses Prince Charming or Belle dances with the Beast. She normally hides behind the couch or puts her hands up to her eyes to shield her vision. Lovey dovey stuff makes her so uncomfortable.

Today after she read her chapter from Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill, I noticed she was super squirmy. She finally said, "Mom, I shouldn't have picked that book to read."

When I asked her why she rolled her eyes and started smiling uncontrollably. Her hands started covering her eyes and then she told me. "They fell in love with the King of Spain! They are writing him a letter to tell him that they are American girls and they want to marry him!"

I couldn't help but giggle at how uncomfortable she'd become just thinking about this potentially embarrassing situation for Betsy and Tacy. I guess it shows that she has established empathy for the characters of her book enough to be uncomfortable by their school girl crushes.

It started me thinking about my schoolgirl crushes. I was over the moon for John Stamos. He was on General Hospital and was, in my youthful opinion, the absolute most amazing man on the planet!

Who was your crush?

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