Thursday, January 04, 2007

Gnome Migration documented by Flat Stanley

"Whilst not native to Australia, Gnomes are reportedly migrating from Europe and Britain to make a new start in 'new lands' where the impact of pollution is less. " This bizarre phenomenon was heralded by the Australian Gnome Convention.

It seems acres of land have become the new Gnome commune for smiling face, pointy hats, and red pants. GooseyGirl's Flat Stanely got to visit Gnome land in Australia and is considering starting a new Flat Stanley Village of his own.

The first inhabitants would be these two friends he met while traveling. Apparently, taking small flat men on vacation is a common endeavor in the land down under.

Stanley believe this is due to lenient zoning laws on creatures below 2' tall. No word yet on what the Kangaroos think of the blatant encroachment of their land.

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