Monday, July 17, 2006

It was the growth plate...

If you missed the post this morning, you haven't heard about our eventful weekend.
Well, BirdMan's growth plate on his right foot is fractured. The orthapedist doesn't think he will need a screw put in but they are going to do more x-rays in two weeks to determine that.

He got a red cast and the doctor said, "No boating, no swimming, no sweating."
Which means... no camping. We were supposed to go camping this weekend and Shawn was REALLY looking forward to it. As in... looking forward to it for the past 7 years. DH is still trying to process that camping is now out. I got Shawn to say, "Well, we'll think about it." That is as far as he let his brain go down that path. He needs a little more time to adjust to the idea.

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