Thursday, July 13, 2006

The first caller wins!

RocketMan gets literally giddy when we talk about numbers. He adores math and perks up whenever numbers enter a conversation. He also likes maps. His two favorite books are the Rand McNally atlas and a book of world flags.

I know what you are thinking, but I have checked the hospital blood records. He is, indeed, related to me.

Yesterday on the way home we were listening to the Library's radio station and they had a prize to give away.

The DJ said, "The first person to call with the answer to this trivia question will win the prize. Okay, here's the question. What is the name of the African city where the Blue Nile and the White Nile meet? Need a clue? It is the capital of Sudan."

From the back seat RocketMan's little voice pipes up....

I tried to call the prize line for the radio station but between trying to drive and dial, I couldn't remember the phone number so I didn't get through (I should have asked RocketMan). Some other chick won but I'm quite sure she wasn't 7 years old!

RocketMan's big news for today is that he is going to the doctor to get the wart on his foot frozen off. Believe it or not, in this modern age, the preferred method of treatment for a wart on the foot is duct tape. Yep, duct tape and no, our pediatrician isn't "Tim the Toolman Taylor". He does have a medical degree.

The instructions are to cover the foot wart with duct tape for 12 weeks. The duct tape should smother the disgusting stuff inside the wart that is making it prosper. In fact, our pediatrician won't even take an appointment for a wart until you've completed the duct tape methodology.

Unfortunately, it is twelve weeks later and RocketMan still has the wart on the bottom of his foot. It has gotten bigger and more painful. The duct tape method did, however, work on GooseyGirl. Aren't you glad you know about this icky skeletons in our proverbial closet?

Anyway, RocketMan has told this little tidbit of grossness to everyone he has met in the past three days using as many descriptive details as possible. You should have seen the librarian's face. And they say homeschoolers aren't socialized!

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