Monday, July 31, 2006

Not now, Momma, I'm doin' my research.

A long time ago I found these clipboards at Walmart that open up and have storage inside for writing stuff. I decided to put some paper, pencils and a little notebook in each for my kidlets to entertain themselves on our errands. I also wrote their names, address and phone number so that when they would use them they would inevitably talk about their address and phone. In no time they had it "rememborized" as they call it. (I love their little faux words.)

On one of our forays into the real world, I noticed that Birdman was very intent and quiet in the back of the van. He had out a library book and his notebook. I said, "Honey? What are you doing?"

"Not now, Momma, I'm doin' my research", he replied.

Not wanting to disturb the forward momentum of the science frontiers being formed in the backseat, I stayed quiet. He was back there working the entire trip, to the store and back.

Later, after we got home, I snuck back to his notebook and looked in to see what he was up too. Here's a scan of what I found. I LOVE the fact that he references his technical drawing in the text. Tee Hee!

In case you can't read it, it says:
a Huming Bird flaps its wings by using its muscles and by flaping its wings 25 times a second it lays an egg as small as a corter and a huming birds beak is long as 1 inch as you kan see below there is a picture below of a humingbird.

Second Grade starts TOMORROW!!

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