Friday, December 09, 2005

Put Your Elf Ears On

As we continue to homeschool there are certain times of the year I feel guilty. I'm sad that they don't have class parties. Isn't that silly? I get like this on Halloween, Christmas and Valentines day.

Thankfully my friends and family swoop in to make me feel better. For example, on Valentine's Day, my good friend Sandy has her kids make my kids a valentine. N, E and L make them a card too and enjoy the surprise waiting for them in the mailbox. Also, our local homeschool group has a big valentine party but we just haven't made the effort to attend. On Halloween, we go over to Shawn's cousins and have fun trick or treating with their family.

However, the biggest event of the year happens today. It is Aunt Patti and Uncle Jerry's Elf party! The kidlets get to spend the day with their Aunt and Uncle and do crafty, holiday things to give Shawn and me for Christmas. I'm so thankful she does this. They are incredibly excited and while they are being little elves I get to attend the Quilter's Day Out program at my local quilt shop!

An entire day around fellow quilters working on my stuff without interruptions. All the while knowing my kids are exploring their creativity and that the HUGE mess they're making is in someone else's home.

Sigh.... heaven.....

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