Thursday, January 05, 2006

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep

This week during our character studies time we are reading Gramma's Walk by Anna Grossnickle Hines. The description of the book reads, "A loving relationship between a young boy and his gramma provides an opportunity for using imagination to compensate a handicap."

We've used this book to talk about those with physical disabilities and I've drawn their attention to handicap signs, ramps and restroom stalls this week. Then I stumbled across this picture and shared it with them. I told them, "See, there was a time when Mommy had to use the handicap carts and parking spaces. I had to use a wheelchair."

"Why?", E asked.

I told her, "Because I had three babies in my tummy and I had problems walking."

The three of them got really, really quiet and studied that photo for a long time. I thought I'd really found a way to connect to them that people with physical disabilities are no different than your mom. They have feelings, dreams, hopes, etc.

Then N said, "But how did you go to the bathroom?"


Just when you think a light bulb goes off suddenly it fizzles out right in front of your eyes.

Looking back at this picture sure did bring back memories. I always hated how those Target drivey carts beeped when I was backing up!

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