Friday, January 13, 2006


Look at this bumper sticker. Hilarious!

The socialization issue surrounding homeschooling gets raised by just about everyone and it is a HUGE myth. If we were to do every field trip, workshop, gym day, Spanish club, lego club, homeschool soccer team, or playdate that is offered, we'd never have time for lessons! Plus all of those social activities take place with a wide range of age groups and backgrounds.

When you think about it, how realistic is it to be placed in a room with 25 other people your exact same age for 7+ hours everyday? Does that ever happen outside of traditional school walls? Is that actually socializing them or just institutionalizing them?

My kids are just as comfortable engaging a 40 year old in conversation as they are a 4 year old. When we were on the subway in Washington DC, Nick struck up a conversation with an older black man. They made small talk and Nick brought him some smiles for his day. It was really sweet and I was so proud of his "socialization". One of my favorite bloggers says he homeschools because of square dancing. His articles are really amusing.

Anyway, today we are headed out to one of those social/educational activities. It is our first day of Spanish class! A former public school Spanish teacher has started a twice a month Spanish class at a Baptist church. After the class the kids enjoy open gym time that includes roller skating. The class is for kids 5-8 but the gym time is for all ages. The kids will learn together and then get a couple of ours to just play. I'm really excited about it.

The only pitfall may be the whole Baptist thing. Hopefully, it isn't a front for attempting to convert me. Isn't it funny that the people who most want to share their religion with you don't really want you to share yours with them. Cross your fingers for me!

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