Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Case Study

I took GooseyGirl to a second hand clothing shop on Saturday in hopes of finding a few good deals on shorts. That's when I discovered it.

It has begun.

You know.... the "Mom-you-are-so-uncool-I'm-going-to-roll-my-eyes-at-you-whenever-you pick-up-a-garment-so-that-you-will-know-how-completely-out-of-touch-you-are" look.

I'm a pseudo anthropologist at heart and I couldn't pass up this opportunity to flesh out the budding fashion opinions of my little eight year old. That's when I started experimenting to see how far I could push her.

Case Study #1:
The cute matchy, matchy Hanna Anderson-esque pants combo.
Result? Eyeroll with lip snarl.

Case Study #2:
The Gymboree-esque strawberry smocked dress.
Result? Eyeroll, lip snarl and sharp exhale.

Case Study #3:
The Laura Ashley-esque gingham ribbon bedecked sundress.
Result? GooseyGirl looked at me much the same as one would do to someone fatally injured but they just don't know it yet. She didn't roll her eyes at all. This time she reverted to overt passive aggressive kindness as she said, "Um, Mom, why don't you go help the boys?"

I walked over to BirdMan and RocketMan who were playing with the random baby toys sprinkled throughout the store. Soon enough Miss Opinionated was done and brought her much acclaimed fashion choice over to me for purchase. Guess what she picked out?? Camo!!! Moss green camo!!!

No, I didn't buy it.

Then I got home and found a raging email from my soon-to-be-but-not-soon-enough-for-me-ex-husband. He wrote, "The kids need to have clothes that are not 2 years old, or stop only sending them to me with their worn out clothes if you have bought them new things. You would not be that vindictive to your children."

At least he is good for a giggle every now and then.

Technorati Tags: homeschooling, home school, education, home education, parenting, family, homeschooler, children, unschooling, teaching


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back to blogging.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Dortha. I'm glad to be back too! My life has been hard lately but I'm hoping the bumps will calm down soon.