Thursday, August 09, 2007


The kidlets and I moved in with my parents this past Spring due to divorce. It was a big adjustment for everyone and I was concerned about the children.

How would they feel about living in a different home without a lot of space to call their own? Would they find some other kidlets to play with?

I shouldn't have worried. This neighborhood is crawling with kidlets just their age. I looked out my window recently and there were 10+ elementary age kiddos in our court having a ball. It looked like we were having another birthday party. The photo you see is of the twins across the street playing K'nex with BirdMan for hours on our back patio.

Last week one of the neighbors asked the kidlets if they wanted to head up to the local pool with her and her kids. I went with them and as I was chatting to her she said, "You know, my next door neighbor and I were talking recently. We were saying what a blessing your children have been to our street. They have connected all the other kids to each other and treat everyone with so nicely."

Proud? You betcha.
Touched? Yep.
Relieved? Definitely.

Technorati Tags: homeschooling, home school, education, home education, parenting, family, homeschooler, children, unschooling, teaching

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