Monday, October 24, 2005


Today was the first day this season that we had a fire in the schoolroom's fireplace. Outside our thermometer may have read 40 but inside is was TOASTY! I always feel like Laura Ingalls when I put the wood on the stove in our one room schoolhouse but it does make everything seem more festive somehow. The kids love curling up in front of the fire to read their books.

E finished Strawberry Girl today and was so excited. She had to call Daddy and Grandma to tell them it was 193 pages. It was wonderful to share her sense of accomplishment. She immediately wanted to know what book was going to be next. I think it will be Sarah, Plain and Tall.

Sometimes it is hard to settle on the next book for them since they are reading so well and yet they don't have the reasoning skills of older kids just yet. What I've found is the book list from Sonlight. It is a Christian homeschool curriculum-in-a-box that leans on quality literature to teach each subject. Some of their selections wouldn't fit my family but most of their booklists for reading are excellent.

My latest book is The American Way of Death. I HIGHLY recommend this book. It is suprisingly funny and is an eye opening book about the events and industries that center on the end of life. It really should be required reading.


Anonymous said...

I think I did an anthropology report about that back at IU! Is it an older book?

Unknown said...

Yep, the book was originally published in 1963 and while the author was in the midst of revising it she died in 1996. Her husband then finished it and the revised version was published in 2000.