Thursday, October 27, 2005

Whoops and Yee-haws

Did you hear the whoops and yee-haws emanating from Fisherville this morning? All three kiddos finished their independent reading books today. N finished Mr. Popper's Penguins. L finished Emily's Runaway Imagination. E finished Sarah, Plain and Tall. I think I'm just going to rotate the books to the next kiddo for their next assignment.

We've started reading Harry Potter together. Each child reads a page aloud and we stop frequently to talk about a word they may not know or to talk about what is happening. It is so much fun to share a book like this! The funny thing is listening to E read her page. She changes her voice for each character's dialogue. For example, she uses this low, old creaky voice for Albus Dumbledore. Too cute!

This afternoon is dedicated to quilting. I'm participating in a Round Robin. Two months ago I made a 24" square, that's it above, and mailed it to an internet friend in St. Louis (hi, Sandy!). She added a border and sent it to another internet friend in Puerto Rico (hi, Leora!) who is adding a border. Next it wings it way to Minnesota (hi, Cat!). Can you detect a pattern? Anyway, I don't get to see it until next summer at our annual quilting retreat after it receives 7 borders. I can't wait to see it!

While they are working on my quilt, I'm working on their quilts. I get 6 weeks to add a border to the square I receive and this month I've got a BEAUTIFUL one from a Missouri internet friend (hi, Sally!). I can't post a photo of it because it can't be revealed until next summer. I have to finish the borders I'm adding by next Wednesday so that I can mail it in time for my deadline! So.... this afternoon I'm barricading myself into the sewing room. Wish me luck!

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