Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Mamma, will I have humps like you?

At some point today I'm going to have to talk about my humps. At least, that's what Gooseygirl calls them. I'm talking about breasts. Recently she patted me on the chest and said, "Mamma, when I get bigger am I going to have humps like you?"

Today our science lesson is about mammals. The lesson points out that humans are mammals and then proceeds to discuss the characteristics of mammals including, of course, nursing their young. My kidlets have run across this fact in other books but have always thought it referred to a tall glass of ice cold 2%.

For the lesson, we are headed to the zoo where we'll play a game identifying mammals. During the game if we see a mammal nursing her young we get an additional 50 bonus points. At some point they will connect the dots, from themselves to my humps.

I've got pictures of the three of them laying on me while Birdman nurses. However, I think that would induce to much trauma in one day. Wish me luck! We're headed to the zoo now.

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