Monday, March 13, 2006

He Is Risen!

Someone alert the media. A medical miracle has happened in Fisherville!

You may remember that my last blog entry detailed the demise of Leo, our new leopard frog tadpole. Well, Leo "Jesus" H. is ALIVE!!

We had given him up for dead and were ready to plan the memorial service when he started swimming again! He still likes to hang out upside down at the bottom of the aquarium without moving for a long, long time. However, he is most definitely alive.

In the mean time, the tadpole farm shipped out another tadpole for us since we had alerted them that Leo had perished. So we now have two tadpoles. Lightning seems to be playing with a full deck since he prefers to swim right side up and likes to move around quite a bit. The kids are thrilled while Shawn and I are just hoping that the two tadpoles don't turn out to be romantically inclined once they develop into frogs.

Also, we got our shipment of butterfly larvae. They are eating like mad and will soon climb up to the top of the jar to form chrysalis and change into butterflies. All of these critters, the 2 tadpoles and the 5 butterfly caterpillars, are sitting in the middle of the kitchen table.

Think of it as "Neuvo Chic Biology Decor". Look for it in the next Pottery Barn catalog. I'm sure this trend will catch on soon.

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