Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New neighbors!

We built a sunroom onto the back of the house and this is where we do school every day. Lots of window, lots of light and lots of nature. We live on five wooded acres surrounded by birds, deer, wild turkeys, fox, turtles, frogs, salamanders... you name it!

This morning we looked out the schoolroom window and saw two eastern bluebirds checking out one of the nesting boxes Shawn made two years ago. This is the first time we've had a family interested in moving in and the kids were so excited. I was too!

One of the two bluebirds got inside while the other stood watch outside. They stayed for a long time checking it out and then proceeded to check out the rest of the yard. They landed on the playground and found the feeder. We are going to put out nesting bags full of fur and string to encourage a bird family to call our nesting box home. Maybe we'll soon be baby bluebird step parents!

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