Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Arms x3

Yesterday on Yahoo there was a photo of a Chinese baby born with three arms. The kids walked in when I was looking at this photo and became glued to the screen.

"Why does he have three arms?", GooseyGirl asked.

"Does he have more bones in his body because he has that extra arm?", BirdMan asked.

I thought this was a great opportunity to talk about those with special needs. I wanted to impress upon them that just because someone might look different, it doesn't mean they are different inside. I wanted to guide them towards compassion.

"WOW, it would be COOL to have three arms!", RocketMan exclaimed.

" How's that?", I asked.

"Well, you could ride your bike and hold a book to read at the same time!", RocketMan answered.

Suddenly GooseyGirl squeals, "Oh, yeah! You could do a cannonball in the pool and be able to hold your nose AND your legs!"

I was going for compassion and winded up at envy instead.

I do have to hand it to GooseyGirl. She may have girly girl tendencies but sometimes it is obvious she is surrounded by boys! Have I mentioned her unique burping abilities? Ahhhh... things to make a mother proud.

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